Log user and date upon row addition

    * Log user and date upon row addition
    * The script checks who and when adds rows to the IJC table.
    * Whenever a new row is added, username and time are stored in IJC fields.
    * Attention: fields for username and date must be defined in the IJC table
    * before running this script.
    * Usage:
    * 1. Add User and Date fields into the table
    * 2. Edit the name of User and Date fields
    * 3. Run button script
    * @author Ondrej Svoboda <osvoboda@chemaxon.com>
    afterEdit= {event ->
       //Names of fields where username and date is stored
       def userFieldName="username"
       def dateFieldName="textDate"
       println "after edit operation"
        def widget=event.widget
      // find user and date fields
      def userField=widget.boundFields.find{it.name==userFieldName}
      def dateField=widget.boundFields.find{it.name==dateFieldName}
      // get the username and date
      def vs=widget.vertexState
      // get entity from the widget vertex state
      def ety=vs.getVertex().getEntity()
      // get id of the row you are adding
      // go to the schema
      def rs=vs.resultSet
      def dataTree=rs.dataTree
      def schema=dataTree.schema
       // get user
       def user=DIFUtilities.findCapability(schema,IJCUserLoginService.class).getMe()
       // get date
       def today = new Date()
       // get entity data provider
       def edp = ety.schema.dataProvider.getEntityDataProvider(ety)
       // get access to the environment through lock
           def lock = edp.lockable.withLock('Updating'){ envRW ->
          // control whether date and user fields are filled. If so, do not update them
          def data=vs.getData(selectedRowId,DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL)
          println data[selectedRowId[0]][userField.id]
          if((data[selectedRowId[0]][userField.id]==null) && (data[selectedRowId[0]][dateField.id]==null)) {
           // Defines empty map
                   def vals = [:]
                   vals[userField.id] = user.getUsername()
                   // date field is defined as a string, the format can be arbitrary
                   vals[dateField.id] = today.format("yyyy-MM-dd \'at\' HH:mm:ss")
                   // Create the DFUpdateDescription and update the DFEntityDataProvider
                    def ud = DFUpdateDescription.create(ety, selectedRowId, vals)
                    def submitList = Collections.singletonList(ud)
                    edp.update(submitList, DFUndoConfig.OFF, envRW)
                   println "Updating field $userFieldName to value ${user.getUsername()} and field $dateFieldName to value $today"
    // by returning false, the action proceeds as expected
    return false