Execute Permanent Query Based On Its Name

    * Execute Permanent Query Based On Its Name
    * @author David Pech <dpech@chemaxon.com>
    evaluate = { widget ->
        def rs = widget.form.resultSet
        def dataTree = rs.dataTree
        // get the queries
        def queries = dataTree.getQueries()
        def DFQueries = queries.getItems()
        // set the name of the permanent query you want to execute
        // also unique part of the name will work
        def queryName = "YourQueryName"
        // loop through all of the permanent queries
        for (i = 0; i < DFQueries.size(); i++) {
            def DFQuery = DFQueries.get(i)
            // if the name matches the query name, execute the query
            def name = DFQuery.getHandle().getInstance().getName()
            if (name.toLowerCase().contains(queryName.toLowerCase())) {
                def expression = DFQuery.getExpression()
                println "Executed query name: " + name
                def rsLock = rs.lockable.withLock('querying') { rsEnv ->
                    rs.applyQuery(expression, rsEnv)