A new option "Frozen Column Count" was added to table widget (and grid view) properties. It allows to specify number of "frozen" columns locked out from horizontal scrolling. These columns are the most left columns in the table or grid view and they are always visible.
Append ellipsis to all values in widgets when value cannot be visible from begin to end.
Added a possibility to have LDAP security case-insensitive.
There is new checkbox Insert new rows when merging at the bottom of import into existing entity dialog.
Progress bar for "Validating script of.." added for lager button's groovy scripts.
Structure field has new extra attribute 'Default atom size'. When this attribute is changed and applied, all widgets with structure renderer on all forms related to this field/entity/datatree are set to new atom size.
IJC schema password (and DB username and password) is now encrypted with AES-256.
New ROLE_SPOTFIRE_INTEGRATION was added to control Spotfire integration instead of ROLE_EXPORT_DATA.