All types of atoms mentioned above are also available from the Atom properties dialog.
Non-metallic atoms are automatically completed with implicit hydrogens according to the free valences of the atom. The visibility of the implicit hydrogens depends on the defined value in the View settings dialog. Metallic elements are added to the canvas in a zero oxidation state. CPK coloring and monochrome display of the atoms are also possible.
The figure below shows the fixed place of certain atom properties.
Atoms on the canvas can be replaced by inserting a new atom to the same place as the old one. If you select several atoms at the same time, you can also change them simultaneously using the most frequently used atom buttons, the keyboard, or the Periodic System.
The atom type can be changed from the Atom properties menu too.
Add charge with the charge buttons or from the Atom properties dialog. Setting charge is also possible by hovering over the atom then typing - or + on the Numeric keypad.
In the Basic tab of the dialog, you can set the values of atomic charges, isotopes, monovalent radicals, enhanced stereo specifications, atom maps, and aliases. Query properties can be set in the Advanced tab.
For more information, see Atom properties dialog.
You can delete atoms from the canvas by using the Delete tool: clicking on the atom or dragging until a red rectangle appears around the structure. It is also possible to select the atom(s) with one of the selection tools first, and click the Delete tool or press the Delete button on the keyboard.