Returns the number of those rings in the molecule, which have non-aromatic bonds (SSSR based).
Returns the number of aliphatic rings with a given size (number of atoms in a ring) in the input molecule.
Returns the number of aromatic rings in the molecule. This number is calculated from the smallest set of smallest aromatic rings (SSSAR), which might contain rings that are not part of the standard SSSR ring set. As a consequence, the sum of the aliphatic ring count and the aromatic ring count can sometimes be greater than the ring count value. The difference is the sign of a macroaromatic ring system.
Returns the number of aromatic rings of a predefined size (number of atoms in a ring) in the input molecule.
Returns TRUE
if the specified atom of the input molecule is aromatic, FALSE
Returns number of atoms in the molecule having aromatic bonds.
Returns the number of aromatic bonds in the molecule.
Returns the number of those rings in the molecule, which contain carbon atoms only.
Returns the number of heterocycles in the molecule containing carbon atoms only (SSSAR based).
Returns the number of fused rings in the molecule (having common bonds).
Returns the number of aliphatic rings having common bonds with other rings.
Returns the number of aromatic rings having common bonds with other rings.
Returns the number of those rings in the molecule, which contain heteroatoms.
Returns number of aromatic heterocycles in the molecule.
Returns the size of the largest ring in the molecule.
Returns the size (number of atoms) of the largest ring containing a specified atom in the input molecule.
Returns the size of the largest ring system in the input molecule.
Returns TRUE
if a specified atom in the input molecule is a ring atom, FALSE
Returns the number of ring bonds.
Returns the number of rings in the molecule. This calculation is based on SSSR (Smallest Set of Smallest Rings).
Returns the number of rings passing through a specified atom in the input molecule.
Returns the number of rings of a specified size (number of atoms in a ring) in the input molecule.
Returns the number of ring systems in the input molecule.
Returns the number of ring systems in the input molecule containing a specified number of atoms.
Returns the size of the smallest ring in the molecule.
Returns the size of the smallest ring containing a specified atom in the input molecule.
Returns the size of the smallest ring system in the input molecule.