User-defined category editor

    The default Exclusions tab is designed for organizing substances associated with the same country in the knowledege base into your own category.

    The Extensions tab offers the functionality to create your personalized controlled rule(s) or substances from which you can built-up categories.

    Both types of categories can then be searched using the category groups you have configured.

    Exclusions tab

    Creating a new user-defined category
    Editing deleting a user-defined category
    Checking against user-defined categories

    The admin can create/modify/delete a custom user-defined regulation category based on the selected set of categories belonging to the same country.

    Further refinement of the selected categories is possible to select/unselect which "Substance IDs" (regulations/queries) should this user-defined category contain.

    However you cannot add new rules to this category. But you can remove regulated substances you have license for.

    Click on the images/download/thumbnails/1805537/category_editor_icon.png button on the left navigation bar to start the User-defined category editor.

    Creating a new user-defined category

    Clicking the Create new category button a short guide is displayed:


    After selecting a country (Switzerland) only one category (7144 - CH ... Narcotics List D) is selected for editing:


    The table of the displayed regulations can be filtered by free-text search of Substance ID / Substance name / Category and System updates , plus in the Show dropdown llist the Selected/Unselected.
    Above the table the Selected regulations ( Selected 182 of 188 ) are shown on the left and the Displayed (filtered) regulations ( Displayed 6 of 188 ) are shown on the right side:


    In this example Not modified regulations containing *ethylamphetamine * and methylamphetamine were filtered and unselected from this user-defined category.

    After editing this user-defined category the images/download/thumbnails/1805537/savebutton.png button should be clicked. On saving a unique Category code is generated by the system, starting from 100001.

    Editing deleting a user-defined category

    When there are existing earlier created user-defined categories saved in the system, clicking on the images/download/thumbnails/1805537/category_editor_icon.png User-defined category editor icon displays a list of these in a table.

    In the Actions column you can select Edit or Delete.


    Opens the editor where you can easily review - with the above described filters - the Added/Modified/Deleted/Not changed substances in your custom category which were affected by the latest Knowledge Base update.

    After editing this user-defined category the images/download/thumbnails/1805537/savebutton.png button should be clicked.


    You can delete an existing user-defined category by clicking the Delete button in the Actions column.

    A confirmation popup will be displayed that you should accept for the deletion.


    Notifications after Knowledge Base update

    Notifications column shows the number of substances - system updates - in a user-defined category that were Added/Deleted/Modified during the latest Knowledge Base update.

    You can review and accept each user-defined category one by one selecting Edit in the User-defined category list.

    When the Knowledge Base is updated all unaccepted notifications will become automatically accepted.

    So before the Knowledge Base update all user-defined categories with Notifications should be reviewed and modified if needed.

    A warning popup is displayed on a Knowledge Base update to remind you that all unaccepted notifications will become automatically applied.


    You should review and accept each user-defined category - that has system updates - one by one selecting Edit in the User-defined categories table.

    In the following example the user-defined categories were created with Knowledge Base v17.10.04.3 and the Knowledge Base was updated recently to v18.07.11.0:


    Reviewing ( Edit ) the SwissEF user-defined category and applying the System updates filters (Added/Modified/Deleted/Not changed) in the above example, 20 substances were deleted, 38 substances were added and 2 substances were modified between the October 04, 2017 and the July 11, 2018 Knowledge Base.

    • Modified substance gets automatically selected at the Knowledge Base update - even if that substance was deselected in the user-defined category.

    Modified category of a substance results in Add/Delete, i.e. 2 system updates.

    Checking against user-defined categories

    Because Single check or File check can only be run against countries or category groups, a user-defined category group should be created that contains your user-defined category.

    After that you can run the check against that category group.

    Extensions tab

    Create category

    In this section, you have the ability to establish custom rules for use during checking. These rules, either individually or collectively, constitute a category.

    To initiate a new category, select the Create new category option. Enter the name for this new category and click Add to display the new row. Proceed to fill in the provided fields, ensuring to complete those marked as mandatory. Choose your preferred method of search from the available options in the dropdown menu. Please note that in case of exact search no chemical queries (Markush structure, query bond and properties) are accepted. After completing the fields, finalize the process by selecting Done. You may then continue to enhance the category with additional elements, or finalize it by choosing Save.

    The newly created category will be displayed, marked as 'New'. The indexing of these type of categories starts from 200,000.

    To incorporate it into the knowledge base, click Apply.

    From your newly added extension categories now you can create your user-defined category group against which the check can be performed.

    You can manage your existing categories by editing or deleting them. The Edit option includes the ability to modify, add, or remove specific rules within a category. It's important to note that if you alter a category and apply these changes, all category groups that include the modified category will also be updated automatically, without any additional notification.