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Database views are available from the dashboard, where you can select from three lists: one containing all form and
grid views, one for listing the most recent database views and one for your favorite form and grid views. You can add database views to your list of favorites using the Star icon on the dashboard or once you open a view. Click the IJC schema name in the Project section on the dashboard to see all the available grid and form views of your current schema. If you have a large number of grid and/or form views, you can you use the search box at the top of each section to narrow the list down. Selecting a grid or form view from the list will open the chosen database view in your workspace.
Plexus Connect provides its own form editor to enable users to create their own database views (form views and grid views). The Create new view button is available on the dashboard above the search box at the top of the views list. Besides a grid view, a new form view can also be created using the most common widget types (label, single line text field, molecule pane, table, sheet and web browser widget). The newly created view appears in the views list on the dashboard.
You can rename a database view (grid or form), but only if it belongs to your own user account. Shared views can be modified only by the user who owns them. To change the name of a view, you have to:
Open the form or table;
Click on the view name and start typing the new name;
When you are finished, hit Enter or click outside the text editor box.
If you hover over the widget in form editor the cursor will change to the "move" cursor type () as a sign that the object can be moved in your workspace. Now to move widget, left click and start to dragging to another position.
To resize widget place mouse cursor to right down corner of widget, click and drag.
Table or grid views provide a tabular arrangement of your data. In a table (grid) view (or in a table widget of a form) you can:
Resize the rows;
To reorder the columns of a table, click on the dropdown arrow next to column name and then click on Edit columns option. The Table editor panel will open, where you can reorder position of your columns by drag and drop. Click Save when you finished editing.
Plexus Connect is capable of handling complex forms for displaying your chemical data or even relation data from different database tables connected by relationships. Finding a specific form in this list can be made easier if you start typing the name of the form you are looking for in the text field. As a result, the form list will be filtered to those items only which contain the term you typed.
At present, complex forms can be designed in the Instant JChem desktop application and then opened in Plexus Connect for data browsing, searching, etc. Plexus Connect supports several widget types available in Instant JChem:
The information displayed in different widgets of a single form is synchronized – if you select a row in a spreadsheet of a form, the corresponding text and structure fields will also be updated on the same form giving you further details about the chosen record.
The selection can be changed on the form widget either by selecting certain rows or by using the record chooser.
The record chooser allows easy navigation among the records of a form. It is especially useful for forms which do not have a spreadsheet widget. It contains four buttons to navigate between the records: first , last
, previous
and next
; as well as a counter box, where you can enter the chosen record number directly.