atomSetColor0atomSetColor1...atomSetColor63 |
Atom set color as a hexadecimal value. |
bondSetColor1...bondSetColor63 |
Bond set color as a hexadecimal value. |
<a name="src-1802598-structureparameters-import"></a>importConv |
Conversion(s) after molecule loading. Currently, the following options are implemented: |
"a" or "+a" |
General aromatization |
--- |
--- |
"a_bas" or "+a_bas" |
Basic aromatization |
"-a" |
dearomatization |
"H" or "+H" |
add explicit H atoms |
"-H" |
remove explicit H atoms |
"c" |
automatic cleaning |
<a name="src-1802598-structureparameters-dim"></a>cleanDim |
The number of space dimensions for cleaning. 2 - two-dimensional cleaning 3 - three-dimensional cleaningSee also: cleanOpts , importConv |
2 |
cleanOpts |
Options for 2D or 3D cleaning. cleanOpts accepts the same parameter values as clean2dOpts or clean3dOpts depending on the cleaning dimension (cleanDim ). |
clean2dOpts |
Options for 2D cleaning (0D->2D) See base 2D cleaning options |
clean3dOpts |
Options for 3D cleaning (0D->3D) See base 3D cleaning options |
setColoringEnabled |
Atom/bond set coloring. |
true |
valenceCheckEnabled |
Check valence errors in molecules on the SketchPanel (true ) or not (false ). |
true |