History of changes: New features and improvements, bug fixes

    20th January, 2022: JChem for Office 21.4.6, Helium 6.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.6 used.


    • The speed of exporting SDFiles from JChem for Excel sheets has been improved 10fold.

    Bug Fixes

    • Although JChem for Office was not affected by log4j and log4Shell vulnerability issues, for avoiding potential threats similar to these, the requested .NET framework version has been updated to 4.6.2.
    • Possible loss information dialog (which opens when double-clicking on a structure, which is not a JChem for Office structure object), opened multiple times in case of ISIS OLE objects with registry redirection to Marvin OLE objects.
    • When selecting ChemDraw 19 and 20 as structure editor, the ChemDraw dialog was not opening properly. This happened when opening it with double-clicking in Import from DB Query dialog and double-clicking on the structure in imported tables.

    12th November, 2021: JChem for Office 21.4.5, Helium 5.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.5 used.

    3rd September, 2021: JChem for Office 21.4.4, Helium 4.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.4 used.

    Bug Fixes

    • Copy-pasting multiple cells between Excel sheets could freeze in Japanese environment.

    14th June, 2021: JChem for Office 21.4.3, Helium 3.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.3 used.

    28th April, 2021: JChem for Office 21.4.2, Helium 2.

    Bug Fixes

    • We discovered an XXE vulnerability in several ChemAxon products, that has been fixed. Although JChem for Office is not affected, we strongly advise our customers to upgrade to the latest available version of ChemAxon products.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.2 used.

    26th April , 2021: JChem for Office 21.4.1, Helium 1.

    Marvin/JChem 21.4.1 used.


    • JChem for Office does not support Windows 7 anymore and you might face issues during use. When installing JChem for Office, you will get a warning about this.
    • The Import from Instant JChem feature has been removed. Please use the export to JChem for Excel feature in Instant JChem instead.

    Bug Fixes

    • ChemDraw 20 is now supported both in JChem for Office and JChem for Office Lite.
    • There was a significant slow down when copy-pasting from Excel to Word. This has been normalized.
    • The action "From any Text" has become more error tolerant against the white spaces at the beginning and end of the text.
    • Paste from MarvinSketch into Word or PowerPoint after a File or DB Import, or after an Add Properties action resulted in an incorrect image.
    • Conversion of ISIS/Symyx for Excel, ChemDraw for Excel, Accord for Excel or Insight for Excel workbooks could fail if any of the worksheets contained non-continuous ranges.
    • Conversion of the workbooks containing ISIS OLE objects could failed in some special cases.
    • JChem for Excel add-in started when a simple text had been pasted into MS Excel if the text was more than 200 characters long.
    • JChem for Office didn't work with bundle license keys.
    • In some cases, when a structure was copied from Marvin Sketch to Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook, structures were not visible and a black rectangle was pasted.