Developer guide

    API documentation

    Swagger UI serves detailed documentation about different service endpoints and also provide try out option. Availability of Swagger UI per services in System mode.

    URL of Swagger UI
    Demo page
    Calculations Calculation Web Services provide endpoints for chemical property calculations and chemical-term evaluation. <serverhost>:<gateway-port>/jws-calculations/API/
    DB DB Web Services provide methods for storing and searching chemical structures in a persistent database
    There are methods for
    - creating / deleting tables,
    - inserting / deleting / modifying structures and data in the tables,
    - executing duplicate, substructure, full fragment and similarity searches.
    IO Input/Output (IO) Web Services provide methods for
    - converting molecules to different chemical file formats,
    - analyzing molecule string and defining its file format,
    - preparing molecule file for download,
    - collecting properties from molecule.
    Markush Markush Web Services provide enumeration of Markush structures. <serverhost>:<gateway-port>/jws-markush/API/
    Reactor Reactor Web Services provide endpoints for Reactor operations. <serverhost>:<gateway-port>/jws-markush/API/
    Structure Checker Structure Checker Web Services provide methods for
    - structure checking,
    - structure fixing.
    Structure Manipulation Structure Manipulation Web Services provide methods for manipulations on chemical structures like
    - extracting textbox content from the structures,
    - cutting structures into their fragment structures,
    - two-dimensional and three-dimensional cleaning of chemical structures,
    - standardizing structures.
    Task Manager Task Manager provides the possibility of scheduling special long-lasting tasks for other web services. <serverhost>:<gateway-port>/jws-taskmanager/API/

    In standalone mode Swagger is available via <serverhost>:<server-port>/API/ URL.