Configuring OSR tools for Document to Structure

    Follow the instructions below in order to convert images to structures using Document to Structure, using one of the supported tools.


    To use CLiDE with Document to Structure, you need a specific license. Please contact to obtain it.

    On Windows, CLiDE will be used automatically after installation, without further configuration.

    On Linux and macOS, you can install CLiDE batch to any directory. To make it usable by Document to Structure, you should only make sure that either is in your $PATH, or that you create a symbolic link from $HOME/.chemaxon/naming/ to the installed copy of CLiDE, using this command:

    ln -s /<clide-directory>/ $HOME/.chemaxon/naming/

    Alternatively, on all platforms, if the chemaxon.naming.clide.path Java system property or the CLIDE environment variable is set, it will be used to find the CLiDE installation directory.

    Please note that you need to activate your license before CLiDE works from Document to Structure. Please follow the instructions provided by Keymodule to do so.

    Additionally, please note that macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and above no longer support 32-bit applications. At the time of writing, a 64-bit macOS version of CLiDE is not yet available.


    To use OSRA with Document to Structure, you first need to download and install OSRA.

    On Windows, OSRA will be used automatically after installation, without further configuration.

    On Linux and macOS, you can install OSRA to any directory. To make it usable by Document to Structure, you should only make that the osra command is in your $PATH.

    Alternatively, on all platforms, if the chemaxon.naming.osra.path Java system property or the OSRA environment variable is set, it will be used to find OSRA. These can either refer to the directory containing the osra command, or to the command itself.


    To use Imago, you need to download the command line utility from EPAM's website. You should then unzip the downloaded file either to a directory on the PATH, or inside the ChemAxon naming directory:

    • On Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\chemaxon\naming\imago_console.exe

    • On Linux and Mac OS X: $HOME/.chemaxon/naming/imago_console

    Alternatively, on all platforms, if the chemaxon.naming.imago.path Java system property or the IMAGO environment variable is set, it will be used to find Imago. These can either refer to the directory containing the imago_console command, or to the command itself.