Processing status

    The Processing status page can be reached by opening the Administration web pages. Then under the Indexing menu, click the Processing status item.

    The page describes the current status of the currently running application tasks.


    This section shows information about the indexing process.

    New items

    It shows the number of the documents which are waiting to be indexed but the processing has not started yet.

    Processing items

    It shows the number of the documents which are under processing. During indexing, the number of these documents depends on the Application settings (asynchronous processing settings).

    Error items

    It shows the number of the documents which failed during the processing. The error can be found in the indexing log. More information can be found here: Monitoring errors, events.

    Complete items

    Shows the successfully processed item count. It will show all the documents which have been processed since the last index reset/database reset.

    TODO: image


    The section shows audit information about the general usage of the ChemLocator app.

    • in the last minute - shows the number of queries the users issued in the past 60 seconds
    • in the last hour - shows the number of queries the users issued in the past 60 minutes
    • in the last 24 hours - shows the number of queries the users issued in the past 24 hours
    • in the last 7 days - shows the number of queries the users issued in the past 7 days

    TODO: image


    The section shows audit information about the document annotation process of the ChemLocator app. Document annotation process is a multi-step processing. Document conversion (PDF to HTML, in some cases XML to HTML) and document annotation (highlighting chemical structures) belong to it.

    Total documents

    Shows the number of all documents within the ChemLocator database available for annotation.

    Annotated documents

    Shows the number of documents on which the annotation process already finished successfully.

    Remaining documents

    Shows the number of documents which are still in the annotation queue and waiting for processing.

    View current items

    Shows the documents which are under processing at the moment

    View errors

    The number of documents which had errors during the annotation processing.