This manual gives you a walk-through on how to use the logP Plugin.
The logP Plugin calculates the logarithm of the octanol/water partition coefficient (logP), which is used in QSAR analysis and rational drug design as a measure of molecular lipophylicity/hydrophobicity.
The calculation method is based on the publication of Viswanadhan et al. The logP of a molecule is calculated based on the atomic logP contributions. However, the algorithm described in the mentioned paper was extended with the followings:
Many atom types were re-defined to accommodate electron delocalization. Contributions of ionised atoms/fragments were added.
The logP of zwitterions are calculated as their logD value at the isoelectric point.
The effect of hydrogen bonds on the logP is considered if there is a chance to form a six membered ring between suitable donor and acceptor atoms. The effect is added to the sum of atomic logP contributions as a structural increment.
New atom types were introduced, especially for S, C, N and metal atoms.
To read more about the formal definition, derivation and the calculation of logP and logD, see the following page.
The result of the logP calculation appears in a new window, either in a MarvinView (for 2D display) window or in a MarvinSpace (for 3D display) window.
Fig. 1 The logP result window with atomic increments displayed in MarvinView
Fig. 2 The logP result window with atomic increments displayed in MarvinSpace
The calculated and displayed logP value(s) depend(s) on the input structure:
{info} The position of atoms relative to one another can have secondary effects on the distribution of the molecule between the octanol and water phases. These are typically intra-molecular effects, e.g. H-bonds, effects of ionized groups onto each other etc. The sum of these effects is expressed as a structural increment, which is added to the sum of atomic logP contributions. This increment is usually fine-tuned in our model to best describe the secondary effects of intra-molecular forces.
Fig. 3 The displayed logP results for a charged input structure
The following options can be set in the logP Plugin.
These options are related to the calculation of logP.
This option defines the logP calculation method. The following methods are available:
{info} The Consensus logP method is a unique, in-house developed logP model based on the methods listed above. It is method is similar (but not identical) to the ClogP method, while the Chemaxon logP method is similar (but not identical) to the AlogP method.
This option lists all logP training libraries generated by cxtrain. The option becomes active only if the User defined calculation method is selected.
These are options for setting the anionic and cationic concentrations for the calculation.
The logP is calculated for the major tautomer of the input structure if this option is enabled.
Fig. 4 The logP Options window showing the General Options panel
These options are related to the display of the logP calculation result.
The precision of the calculated logP can be set by the number of decimal places to be displayed. The default is 2.
It sets the type of logP result(s) to be displayed. These can be:
This option displays the results in a 3D MarvinSpace window. If disabled, the results will show in a 2D MarvinView window.
Fig. 5 logP Options window with the Display Options panel
Viswanadhan, V. N.; Ghose, A. K.; Revankar, G. R.; Robins, R. K., J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1989, 29, 163-172; doi
Klopman, G.; Li, Ju-Yun.; Wang, S.; Dimayuga, M., J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci., 1994, 34,752; doi
PHYSPROP© database
Csizmadia, F; Tsantili-Kakoulidou, A.; Pander, I.; Darvas, F., J. Pharm. Sci., 1997, 86, 865-871; doi