After installing, the JChem for Excel Add-in it will be loaded automatically when starting Microsoft Excel. If any error occurs during installation, in rare cases, JChem for Excel Add-ins are not loaded automatically and have to be enabled manually.
Open Excel and click File > Options.
Navigate to the Add-ins tab.
Chose Excel Add-ins from the Manage drop-down list and click Go.
To load an automation add-in, click Automation.
Select JChemExcel Functions from the Automation Servers dialog, then click OK.
To unload an automation add-in, you must remove it from the registry. Contact your system administrator for details.
For the proper behavior of JChem for Excel and its functions, you should have the following add-ins active (after using the first JChem action, for example, Options ):
COM Add-ins :
JChemExcel JChemExcelAddin
Excel Add-ins :
Open Excel and click File > Options.
Navigate to the Add-ins tab.
Chose COM Add-ins from the Manage drop-down list and click Go.
Open Excel and click File > Options.
Navigate to the Add-ins tab.
Chose Excel Add-ins from the Manage drop-down list and click Go.
Tick the checkbox next to JChemExcel Functions , and click OK.
{info} If the JChemExcel Functions item does not exist in the list, then click Automation, select JChemExcel Functions from the list, and click OK.
Open Excel and click File > Options.
Navigate to the Add-ins tab.
Chose Excel Add-ins from the Manage drop-down list and click Go.
Tick the checkbox next to Jcfunctions , and click OK.
{info} If the Jcfunctions item does not exist in the list, then click Browse , navigate to the
file, select it and click OK.The file can be found in one of the following locations:
**32-bit:** `C:\Program Files (x86)\Chemaxon\JChem for Excel\JCFunctions.xla`
**64-bit:** `C:\Program Files\Chemaxon\JChem for Excel\JCFunctions.xla`
Restart Excel.