Since Compound Registration version 21.14.0 the License Manager displays both the License Expiration date and the Support Expiration date. Latter is relevant for Perpetual licenses. The License Manager window is also extended with the number of active and licensed Compound Registration users.
The administrator can update the license file through the License Manager by uploading (as a cxl file) or copying it as a text.
License Manager displaying the Expiration and Support Expiration date and the active/licensed users |
The history of a compound can be accessed by setting the compound ID (PCN, CNor LN). You need to specify the compound ID, then click the [Show history] button.
The Compond History page |
It is possible to restore, "undelete" compounds which were deleted from the DB. You need to specify the ID and the ID type, then click the [Undelete] button.
The Undelete Compounds page |
{info} When undeleting, depending on the level, the relevant part of the tree will be also restored. E.g. when a whole tree was deleted (even in multiple steps), when undeleting the parent, the version(s) and the lot(s) will be also restored.