Reaction schemes

    MarvinSketch enables to draw reactions by placing a reaction arrow on the canvas.

    You can place the reaction arrow in any position, pointing in any direction.

    Structures before the arrow are considered Reactants, structures along the arrow Agents, and structures after the arrow Products.

    No structure

    No structure label(s) can be used to annotate unknown structures. These labels can be saved in .mrv, .skc and cdx. Empty .mol .rxn .rdf files generated after v. 15.11.23 are opened displaying a No Structure label on the canvas.

    {warning} Only reaction containing a single reaction arrow can be interpreted chemically, consequently be saved in chemical formats.


    MarvinSketch allows you to set a map label on any atom in the molecule.

    Map labels are useful because they remain constant, unlike atom indexes, which can change as the molecule is altered.

    It allows you to specify that specific reactant atoms will become specific product atoms.