Compound Registration relies on the underlying database schema and it is crucial to upgrade it before deploying a new version of Compound Registration.
Before the upgrade:
Make sure to have a database backup.
Download the new RegistryCxn-(version).war file. It must be a newer version of Compound Registration than the one previously installed.
Download the corresponding migration tool RegistryCxn-(version)
Verify that the REGISTRYCXN_HOME environment variable is valid.
{info} When upgrading from a version before 17.06.12 you need to set up the REGISTRYCXN_HOME environment variable as the homedirectory (more details here).
Verify that the file exists under the $REGISTRYCXN_HOME/config folder.
Make sure the properties: RegDBType, RegDBDriver, RegDBUrl, RegDBUser, RegDBPass are correct in the file. Please find more information on the Database connections page.
Upgrade Compound Registration:
Shut down the Tomcat web container.
Set the CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL environment variable in the console (it works with HTTP urls and file URIs). Please find more information on the Compound Registration Installation requirements page and on Wikipedia - file URI scheme page.
{warning} It is enough to have a valid license under REGISTRYCXN_HOME when hosting Compound Registration but when running the migration it is important to set the CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL environment variable otherwise the migration tool will not be able to upgrade Markush structures.
{info} When upgrading to 19.20.0 or later using MySQL database, the MySQL JDBC driver has to be copied into the RegistryCxn/lib directory before running the upgrade script.
Open a terminal window and navigate to the RegistryCxn/bin folder.
Run the following on Linux:
./RegistryCxn install -migrateSchema
Or the following on Windows:
RegistryCxn.bat install -migrateSchema
Please find more information about command line tools here.
{info} For larger databases the migration could take more than an hour. You can temporary add the RegDBAbandonedTimeout=3600 (1 hour) property to the file to increase the database connection timeout.
Remove the previous installation from Tomcat.
Deploy the new RegistryCxn-(version).war to Tomcat.