Design Hub configuration guide

    Design Hub is a NodeJS based application for molecule design and idea management. It includes an HTTP and WebSocket server to serve multiple clients running the embedded web application.

    All configuration is performed on the server, this document describes the available options.


    This application requires a JSON configuration file to be passed as a command line argument. The configuration file holds all the key settings regarding database connection, networking, security, persistence, plugins and more.

    The minimum configuration requires database details, JChem Microservices details, a license and a port to be specified, but a more general sample of typical options is below. Note that some values point to files or other services. These should be changed to match your environment - of course you can store your Chemaxon license files or Design Hub plugins anywhere. See below in the spreadsheet for your full list of options:

    sample for config.json:

     "databaseHost": "db",
     "databasePort": 5432,
     "databaseName": "designhub",
     "databaseUser": "designhubuser",
     "databasePassword": "CHANGETHIS",
     "secretKey": "CHANGETHIS",
     "authentication": {
       "internal": {
         "type": "local",
         "label": "Testing domain",
         "accounts": [{
           "username": "demo",
           "password": "demo"
      "jchemMicroServices": "http://jms-gateway:8080/",
      "mjsService": "http://mjs-service:8080/"

    Below you can find a detailed description for each option:

    {info} Note: All relative paths are resolved against the location of config.json.

    Database configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string yes Hostname of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.
    string no Port of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.
    Default: 5432
    string yes Name of the database to connect to.
    string no Username to authenticate with the database.
    string no Password to authenticate with the database.
    string no Path to database root SSL certificate file. If this is set the database connections use SSL.
    string no PostgreSQL dialect version to use in the Design Hub SQL client. Use this when connect to different flavors of PSQL, e.g. Enterprise DB.
    number no PostgreSQL database connection's minimum pool size.
    Default: 2
    number no PostgreSQL database connection's maximum pool size.
    Default: 10
    string yes Path to the folder where files uploaded by users can be saved. The folder needs to be writable to the main NodeJS process running under uid=2584, gid=1597.
    Default: /filestore which corresponds to a volume declared by default in the Design Hub docker image.
    string no Controls what backend to use when users upload files. The default solution uses a filesystem backend, using generated filenames. If file system access is a burden, then Design Hub's database can be used. For a cloud solution, an AWS S3 bucket can be configured to persist files. To use the latter option, the filestoreS3BucketName option must be set. Maximum file size is 100 MB for database and 1000 MB for disk and S3.
    Default: disk
    Values: disk, database or S3
    string see description Defines the name of an AWS S3 bucket to save files to when users initiate uploads. The Design Hub process must have permissions to execute the getBucketAcl, upload, getObject, deleteObject methods, and credentials must be supplied using a method natively supported by the AWS SDK. For more details read its documentation.
    Required: yes when filestoreImplementation is set to S3

    Chemistry web services configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string see description URL to JChem Microservices gateway module without the rest-v1/ ending.
    Required: either jchemMicroservices or all of jmsIo, jmsDb, jmsStructureManipulation are required
    string see description URL to the JChem Microservices IO module without the rest-v1/ ending. Use this if JMS IO is deployed without a gateway service, for example as a standalone service.
    Required: either jchemMicroservices or all of jmsIo, jmsDb, jmsStructureManipulation are required
    string see description URL to the JChem Microservices DB module without the rest-v1/ ending. Use this if JMS DB is deployed without a gateway service, for example as a standalone service.
    Required: either jchemMicroservices or all of jmsIo, jmsDb, jmsStructureManipulation are required
    string see description URL to the JChem Microservices Structure Manipulation module without the rest-v1/ ending. Use this if JMS Structure Manipulation is deployed without a gateway service, for example as a standalone service.
    Required: either jchemMicroservices or all of jmsIo, jmsDb, jmsStructureManipulation are required
    string see description URL to the JChem Microservices Markush Enumeration module without the rest-v1/ ending. Use this if JMS Markush Enumeration is deployed without a gateway service, for example as a standalone service. This module is needed for the contentAnalyzers features to work.
    Required: yes if contentAnalyzers are enabled.
    string see description URL to the JChem Microservices Reactor module without the rest-v1/ ending. Use this if JMS Reactor is deployed without a gateway service, for example as a standalone service. This module is needed for the reactionEnumeration features to work.
    Required: yes if reactionEnumeration are enabled.
    jchemMicroServicesTypeName string no Configures the molecule type used to standardize chemical structures for the purposes of searches and virtual registration in the JChem Microservices DB module. Must be one of the available types already configured. For details, please see DB Web Services documentation.
    Default: sample
    string yes URL to the Marvin JS web service module without the rest-v1/ ending. For details, please see Marvin JS Web Service documentation.

    Plugin configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string or array of strings no Path to the folder(s) of the docker container where NodeJS plugins are stored. The /services folder is declared as a docker volume, so it expected a deployment will mount a folder to this volume. See Volumes. Changing this folder is not recommended.
    Default: /services
    remoteServices array of strings no List of URLs to load plugins implementing the Design Hub HTTP Plugin API specification. For further details and examples, check the relevant developer guides.

    License configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string or array of strings yes Path to the license file(s) provided by Chemaxon for this application, accepting wildcards like *.cxl.

    Networking configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    tls object no HTTPS server options in key-value pair form. All options of the NodeJS TLS module are supported, but the most typical 4 options are highlighted below: key, cert, ca, pfx. For more configuration options and details see the official module description .
    tls.key string no Path to the private key of the server in PEM format.
    tls.cert string no Path to the certificate key of the server in PEM format. string no Path to the trusted certificates in PEM format. If this is omitted, several well known "root" CAs will be used, like VeriSign. These are used to authorize connections.
    tls.pfx string no Path to the bundle of private key, certificate and CA certs of the server in PFX or PKCS12 format. Mutually exclusive with tls's key, cert and ca options.
    string see description Hostname of the server. Needed only for single sign-on authentication, where a service callback needs to registered.
    Required: if SAML authentication is configured
    number yes The HTTP port you want the application to bind to. In Docker environments this is configured to an exposed port, therefore modifying this shouldn't necessary under normal circumstances. Default: 8888
    boolean no Enable CORS on the /upload/api endpoint (URL integration guide).
    Default: false
    ML_LOG_LEVEL string no Configures which application module is started at elevated or reduced log levels. For each module, ERROR, WARN, INFO or DEBUG log levels are available. The default log level is info for all modules.
    Syntax: global_log_level [log_level=module_name] [log_level=module_name] ...
    i.e. a space separated list of definitions, starting with a global level, followed by = separation between a log level and a module name. For a list of module names, it is recommended to always consult with Chemaxon technical support as module names refer to application modules subject to constant changes as the application is developed. This configuration option is only available as an environment variable.
    Default: info. Example: info\ warn=authentication
    ML_AUDITLOG_LEVEL string no Configures the log level of the application's audit log. error, warn, info or debug log levels are available. This configuration option is only available as an environment variable.
    Default: info.
    ML_LOG_TRANSPORT string no Configures which additional transports to send logged messages beyond standard output. This configuration option is only available as an environment variable.
    Available options: file and gelf
    ML_LOG_FILEPATH string no Configures the local filepath to write log messages to if ML_LOG_TRANSPORT is set to file. Example: /var/log/designhub.log.
    ML_LOG_GELF_HOST string no Hostname of the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) compatible server, like Graylog. Only used if ML_LOG_TRANSPORT is gelf.
    ML_LOG_GELF_PORT number no Port of the graylog stream to send messages. Used only if ML_LOG_TRANSPORT is gelf. This configuration option is only available as an environment variable.
    Default: 12201
    ML_LOG_GELF_PROTOCOL string no Protocol of the graylog stream to send messages. This configuration option is only available as an environment variable.
    Default: udp

    Security configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string yes Private key used to encrypt the contents of session cookies. This string should be known only to the administrator of the server and should never be reused.
    authentication object yes The available identity providers users can authenticate with, in key-value pair form.
    Key: identifier or name of the domain, containing only lowercase letters, numbers and -, i.e: [a-z0-9-]+
    Value: object containing the settings for the domain and protocol specific settings. Each option must have the following 2 attributes, but may specify further options: label and type. The default user object attribute mapping can be overridden by setting userNameAttribute, displayNameAttribute and groupAttribute.
    Provider specific options are described below in separate sections: LDAP, SAML, local, OpenID Connect.
    authentication.<domain>.label string yes Human readable name of the domain.
    authentication.<domain>.type string see description "ldap", "saml", "openId", "local". Further, provider specific options are described below in separate sections`
    oidcTimeout number no Configures global timeout for the HTTP requests of openId type authentication module.
    Default: 5000
    string no Username used to authenticate in the admin area. For details on access see the admin guide.
    string no Password used to authenticate in the admin area. Consider loading this password from a file with limited read permissions to prevent other users of the operating system from seeing the value of this sensitive setting.
    hideDomainsOnLoginScreen boolean no Hides the domain picklist from the login page. When set to true, generated login URLs are printed on STDOUT, one for each authentication domain.
    Default: false

    GUI configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    string no Path to a CSS file that adds or changes styles used in the Design Hub theme.
    Default: no custom CSS file
    marvinjs object no Configure Marvin JS’s display options and services (API reference). For details, find the Marvin JS configuration section below. Example:
    "marvinjs": {
    "templates": "./templates.mrv",
    "webservices": {
    "clean2dws": "/rest-v0/util/convert/clean",
    "molconvertws": "/rest-v0/util/calculate/molExport",
    "reactionconvertws": "/rest-v0/util/calculate/reactionExport",
    "stereoinfows": "/rest-v0/util/calculate/cipStereoInfo"
    "displaySettings": {
    "toolbars": "reporting"
    systemHelp array of objects no Adds additional links to the help menu available to users. Use this to provide more options to get technical support for on-premises deployments or related to custom plugin backends
    systemHelp[*].label string no Human-friendly label of an additional help item
    systemHelp[*].url string no Absolute URL (starting with https://) to the help item
    compoundButtons array of objects no Configures clickable links for compounds pointing to external resources
    compoundButtons[*].label string yes Human friendly label of the button, e.g. ELN
    compoundButtons[*].link string yes A URL with variable names surrounded by % signs that are interpolated as the user is clicking on them.
    number no Configures the interval while comments can be modified or deleted by their owner. Configuration value is given in minutes.
    Default: 10 (10 minutes)
    compoundFields array of objects no Configures "Additional Fields", i.e. custom editable text fields for compounds
    compoundFields[*].name string yes Unique internal identifier of this field
    compoundFields[*].label string yes Human-friendly label of this field
    compoundFields[*].type string no Data type of this field. Values: text, textEnum, numeric, url. Default: text
    compoundFields[*].group string no Group used for permission control of the field access. Supported values are group1, group2, group3 with corresponding permissions ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_1, ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_2, ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_3
    Default: group1
    compoundFields[*].values array of strings no When defined, the field will be displayed as a combobox/dropdown with these values as choices. When missing, the field is displayed as a text input field.
    compoundFields[*].required boolean no Turns the field into mandatory field, with an asterisk and red underline if left empty.
    compoundFields[*].pattern Regexp no A regular expression that is used to validate the input, e.g. \d+ can be used to allow only numbers.

    Workflow configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    registry object no Configures how Design Hub should generate unique virtual IDs to compounds when they are shared (i.e. transitioned from private to public visibility).
    registry.externalCheckStop string no Configures how long after sharing a compound should be checked on a daily basis in a real compound registry. All compounds in a workflow status of shared are checked every day.
    Syntax: <number><period> where period can be one of: d (day), w (week), m (month), y (year).
    Default: 3m
    registry.idPrefix string no Configures what string to prefix numeric ids with. For example with a value of VXN the id of compound 123456 will be VXN123456.
    Default: CPD
    registry.idSeparator string no Configures what string to use - if any - as a separator between the idPrefix and the numeric id portion. For example with a value of - the id of compound 123456 will be CPD-123456.
    Default: (empty string)
    registry.idStart number no Configures what number to add to sequential ids generated during compound sharing. For example with a value of 500000 and the id of compound 123456 will be CPD623456.
    Default: 0
    registry.idPadding number no Configures how many decimal places to pad on the left with 0 characters. For example with a value of 9, the id of compound 123456 will be CPD000123456.
    Default: 0
    registry.excludeSubstancesFromChecks boolean no when enabled, compounds with a substance ID are ignored from periodic checks regardless of their status. This allows tracking the progress made during re-synthesis or any follow-up batches for a compound already registered once as a substance.
    registry.matchLogic string no Configures match mode between 1 virtual compound and substances. Automatic allows matching exactly 1 substance, while multi allows matching to multiple substances over a period of time. In case of multiple matches, the compound's author is prompted to select matches
    Values: automatic, multi.
    Default: automatic
    registry.singleMatchWait string no when registry.matchLogic is configured to multi, this configuration option allows setting a maximum time period where a single substance match is automatically approved.
    Syntax: <number><period> where period can be one of: d (day), w (week), m (month), y (year).
    Default: 1w
    registry.copyCSTFields array of strings no List of compoundFields names to be updated with data of Substance matches during approval. See registry plugins.
    registry.checkCSTFields array of strings no List of compoundFields names whose value is to be provided during getMatches call in registry plugins. See registry plugins.
    schedulerPlan string no Configures the frequency and batching of registry plugin calls. normal processes 50 compounds every 5 minutes on weekdays. continuous processes 1 compound every 5 seconds every day. Default: normal.

    Performance configuration

    Parameter name (environment variable) Type Required Description
    limitPublicCompoundsListSize number no Configures the maximum size of list provided via API /api/compounds/public
    Default: 1000
    limitStructureSearch number no Defines the maximum hit count of the first chemical search for all chemical search types.
    Default: 10000.
    limitFilterToIds number no Defines the maximum number of compound ids provided to refine substructure searches.
    Default: 100000
    limitFilteredStructureSearch number no Defines the maximum hit count of refined substructure searches.
    Default: 10000
    structureSearchCacheTTLSeconds number no Configures the cache duration for al chemical searches in seconds.
    Default: 30
    structureSearchCacheMaxSize number no Configures the cache size for all chemical searches.
    Default: 1000
    number no Configures the maximum number of columns/fields the project data and design set spreadsheets can query from the database at a time.
    Default: 200
    number no Configures the number of compounds to scan per designset/project when querying columns/fields for spreadsheets or shared compounds plugin. (Recent compounds considered first based on modification date)
    Default: 500
    any no Metadata (columns/fields) is cached for 30 seconds by default, it can be disabled by defining this parameter.
    importMaxFileSizeInMb number no Configures the maxium file size uploaded for import. The unit is megabytes. Default: 15.
    importPrivateMaxStructureCount number no Maximum number of structures that can be imported in a single go into a private design set. Default: 1000000
    importPublicMaxStructureCount number no Maximum number of structures that can be imported in a single go into a public design set. Default: 1000
    markushEnumerationTimeout number no Timeout on requests sent to the markush enumeration service. Default: 60000
    saveAllPrivateComponentsMaxCount number no Maximum number of enumerated components that can be imported in a single go into a private design set. Default: 10000
    saveAllPublicComponentsMaxCount number no Maximum number of enumerated components that can be imported in a single go into a public design set. Default: 100
    extRegCheckMaxConcurrency number no Number of maximum concurrent calls to external registry. Default: 1.
    extRegCheckLocal boolean no Controls cocurrency limit scope of external registry. If false, the limit is applied globally in a Design Hub instance. Default: false.
    cmpdSubmissionRestMaxConcurrency number no Number of maximum concurrent calls to internal registry. Default: 1.
    cmpdSubmissionRestLocal boolean no Controls cocurrency limit scope of internal registry. If false, the limit is applied globally in a Design Hub instance. Default: true.
    uploadCache number no Configures the expiry interval of chemical structure files uploaded using the REST API. Configuration value is given in milliseconds.
    Default: 720000 (2 hours)
    DH_JMSIO_MAX_CONCURRENCY number no Controls the global maximum number of parallel web service calls to JChem Microservices IO module. Default: 20.
    cmpdImageGenerationTimeout number no Default: 1500.

    Setting up local authentication

    Design Hub supports a very simple local authentication intended for personal testing or evaluation purposes. This enables all features depending on tracking users and storing profiles, without having to setup identity provider connections. Accounts are read from a list specified in config.json. Below you can find a sample:

     "port": 443,
     "hostname": "",
     "tls": {
       "key": "/config/certs/example-com-key.pem",
       "cert": "/config/certs/example-com-cert.pem"
     "secretKey": "lalilulelo",
     "authentication": {
       "test": {
         "type": "local",
         "label": "Test Ltd",
         "accounts": [
           {"username": "demo", "password": "demo"},
           {"username": "demo2", "password": "demo2"}

    Setting up LDAP authentication

    The application supports LDAP and LDAPS authentication, which works with Active Directory as well. The most common configuration options are supported. Below you can find a sample configuration and a full list of options:

     "port": 443,
     "hostname": "",
     "tls": {
       "key": "/config/certs/example-com-key.pem",
       "cert": "/config/certs/example-com-cert.pem"
     "secretKey": "lalilulelo",
     "authentication": {
       "corporate": {
         "type": "ldap",
         "label": "ACME Inc",
         "url": "ldaps://",
         "bindDn": "uid=serviceaccount,cn=accounts,dc=acme",
         "bindCredentials": "BF95KPnVD9FxyGPh",
         "searchBase": "cn=accounts,dc=acme",
         "searchFilter": "(uid={{username}})",
         "groupSearchBase": "dc=acme",
         "groupSearchFilter": "(member={{dn}})",
         "groupAttribute": ["cn"]

    LDAP configuration options

    Name Type Description
    url string full URL of LDAP server, including protocol and port, e.g: ldaps://
    bindDn string DN of user permitted to search the LDAP server within the defined search base
    bindCredentials string password for bindDn
    searchBase string part of the directory to search in for the user, e.g: cn=users,dc=company
    searchFilter string search filter that should match the user with either 1 or 0 entries. Use literal {{username}} to add the given username to the search, e.g: (uid={{username}})
    firstName string LDAP attribute that holds the display name of the user
    searchAttributes array of strings Optional. Names of attributes to fetch from the LDAP server, e.g: ['displayName', 'mail']. 'mail' is a required element for functionality relying on users' email addresses (such as notifications about new comments).
    groupSearchBase string part of the directory to search in for the available groups, e.g. dc=groups,dc=company
    groupSearchFilter string search filter that should match the groups of a user. Use literal {{attribute}} to add an attribute to the search, e.g: (member={{dn}})
    groupAttribute array of strings name of the attribute to use as Design Hub group names, e.g.: ["cn"]
    userNameAttribute string name of the attribute to use as Design Hub's unique user name. Default: "dn"
    displayNameAttrs array of strings name of the attributes to concatenate a Display Name from, e.g.: ["firstName", "lastName"]

    {info} Note: All options described in the base library documentation are supported with further examples and descriptions given at: node-ldapauth

    Setting up SAML authentication

    This application uses HTTP Redirect Binding for its AuthnRequests, and expects to receive the messages back via the HTTP POST binding.


    First, you’ll need to configure the application with a host. You can do this by setting port, and hostname. Next, it’s strongly recommended to setup HTTPS with the tls settings, to make sure any login details are only transmitted over a secure channel. config.json:

     "port": 443,
     "hostname": "",
     "tls": {
       "key": "/config/certs/example-com-key.pem",
       "cert": "/config/certs/example-com-cert.pem"

    Next, add a secretKey and configure your identity provider in authentication: config.json:

     "port": 443,
     "hostname": "",
     "tls": {
       "key": "/config/certs/example-com-key.pem",
       "cert": "/config/certs/example-com-cert.pem"
     "secretKey": "lalilulelo",
     "authentication": {
       "internal": {
         "type": "saml",
         "label": "Example",
         "entryPoint": ""

    Registering as Service Provider

    Using the domain chosen in the authentication settings, in the above example internal, the Design Hub service can be registered in the SAML provider. To help this, a service metadata descriptor is available at the following address:

    The service’s issuer / entity ID is marvin-live-app and the callback URL is generated from the tls, hostname, port and domain name options.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" xmlns:ds="" entityID="marvin-live-app">
      <SPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
        <AssertionConsumerService index="1" isDefault="true" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location=""/>

    SAML specific parameters

    Name Type Description
    entryPoint string URL for the identity provider.
    Required: yes
    cert string Path to the identity provider’s certificate used to validate any SAML authorization responses.
    privateCert string Path to the certificate used to sign any SAML authentication requests.
    decryptionPvk string Path to the private key of the identity provider, used to decrypt any encrypted assertions that are received
    decryptionCert string Path to the certificate used to attach to the service metadata.
    identifierFormat string Name ID format to request from the identity provider. The use of unspecified and transient are not recomennded to enable private room usage.
    Default: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    callbackUrlBase string Alternative Design Hub server URL to use when generating metadata, and in SAML requests. Used when the application is behind a reverse proxy.
    emailAttribute string The name of the attribute in the IdP assertion carrying the email of the user. In the absence of this setting the mail or email attribute are used if present or the NameID in case it is of the urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress format.

    Further options are available, please see this third-party module’s options.

    Setting up OpenID Connect authentication

    The application supports OpenID Connect authentication. Below you can find a sample configuration and a full list of options:

     "port": 443,
     "hostname": "",
     "tls": {
       "key": "/config/certs/example-com-key.pem",
       "cert": "/config/certs/example-com-cert.pem"
     "secretKey": "lalilulelo",
     "authentication": {
       "corporate": {
         "type": "openId",
         "label": "ACME Inc",
         "issuer": "",
         "clientID": "dh-client",
         "clientSecret": "password",
         "callbackUrlBase": ""

    OpenID Connect specific configuration options

    Name Type Description
    issuer string URL of the Issuer if the issuer supports standard OIDC Discovery, or URL of the OpenID Connect metadata document. OIDC Discovery path constants are supported, e.g. "" behave equivalent to "".
    clientID string client ID generated by Issuer for this application
    clientSecret string client secret generated by Issuer for this application. Optional. If clientSecret is not specified, PKCE is forced.
    pkce string Code challenge method for PKCE. Valid values: plain, S256. In case of missing clientSecret S256 is the default. Optional.
    callbackUrlBase string URL of the Design Hub reachable from Issuer
    scope string Provided if needed for getting enough user information. Example: "openid profile email". Default: "".
    tokenAutoRefreshInterval number Time interval is milliseconds between token refreshes. If omitted, refresh tokens won't be used.
    userNameAttribute string Name of the attribute to use as Design Hub's unique user name. Default: "preferred_username" with a fallback to "username".

    Marvin JS configuration

    This option configures Marvin JS’s display options and services (API reference). An object is passed as configuration with the following attributes:

    key value
    templates Path to an MRV formatted template file
    webservices Map of webservice names and URLs matching MarvinJS's setServices() method.
    "clean2dws": "/rest-v1/util/convert/clean",
    "molconvertws": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/molExport",
    "reactionconvertws": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/reactionExport",
    "stereoinfows": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/cipStereoInfo"
    displaySettings Map of display settings and values.
    Default: { "toolbars": "search" }



    section of config.json:

    "marvinjs": {
      "templates": "./templates.mrv",
      "webservices": {
         "clean2dws": "/rest-v1/util/convert/clean",
         "molconvertws": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/molExport",
         "reactionconvertws": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/reactionExport",
         "stereoinfows": "/rest-v1/util/calculate/cipStereoInfo"
      "displaySettings": {
         "toolbars": "reporting"

    Groups, roles and permissions

    From v20.13.0, the role based access control system can be used to assign authenticated users of the system to groups and roles/permissions can be assigned to groups.

    Definings group and permissions of users

    Company plugins

    Design Hub's customization option - company plugins - provide scriptable interfaces to obtain the project and group membership of each user during login. This is the most versatile option to integrate with corporate resources.

    See: Design Hub developer guide - company support plugins

    Property of user's login information

    In some cases, the user's group associations are available as an attribute of the user record. This is typically the case of ldap / Active Directory, but often it's available on JWT when using openId.

    To obtain the groups of a user from the user record, please use the groupAttribute value. See

    Local authentication

    By adding a groups section to the domain configuration, individual groups can be added with a name (e.g. READERS or WRITERS) and a list of permissions. With local authentication, individual accounts can be assigned to a group by referencing the assigned group name on each account record.

        "access-readonly": {
          "type": "local",
          "label": "Read-only authorization scheme",
          "groups": {
              "READERS": [
              "WRITERS": [
          "accounts": [
              {"username": "vip", "password": "vip", "group": "VIP"},
              {"username": "reader", "password": "reader", "group": "READERS"},
              {"username": "writer", "password": "writer", "group": "WRITERS"}

    Defining groups on the admin interface

    By logging in to the admin interface and selecting the appropriate domain, the list of users and groups are displayed in small tables. These can be used to check the list of groups available in the system, permissions assigned to each group, and the group membership of users. Using the buttons in the top-right corner of the groups table, new groups can be added, and using the actions for each group, further modifications can be made.

    users and groups on the admin UI

    Available permissions

    Name Description
    READ_ASSIGNED_PROJECTS Allows viewing any content in projects where the user is member
    WRITE_ASSIGNED_PROJECTS Allows viewing, modifying or deleting any content in projects where the user is member
    READ_NONASSIGNED_PROJECTS Allows viewing any content in projects where the user is not a member
    WRITE_NONASSIGNED_PROJECTS Allows viewing, adding, modifying or deleting content in projects where the user is not a member
    READ_ASSIGNED_CONTENT Allows viewing content where the user is assigned
    WRITE_ASSIGNED_CONTENT Allows viewing, modifying or deleting content the where user is assigned
    READ_NONASSIGNED_CONTENT Allows viewing content where the user is not assigned
    WRITE_NONASSIGNED_CONTENT Allows viewing, modifying or deleting content where the user is not assigned
    ACCESS_COMPOUNDS Allows viewing compounds
    ACCESS_DESIGNSETS Allows viewing design sets and compounds
    ACCESS_HYPOTHESES Allows viewing hypotheses, design sets, and compounds
    ACCESS_PROJECTS_META Allows viewing the list of projects and use the information in it for queries
    ADD_PROJECTS Allows adding projects to the system, if a company support plugin implements the necessary capability, or none are used
    JOIN_PROJECTS Allows adding to or deleting from the project membership of the user
    CREATE_CONTENT Allows creating new hypotheses, design sets and compounds
    ACCESS_REST_API Allows creating, revoking and viewing API tokens
    ACCESS_TAGS Allows viewing, adding and removing tags
    ACCESS_PROPERTY Allows viewing, adding and removing realtime, datacollector or slow plugin
    ACCESS_VOTING Allows viewing and casting votes on compounds
    ACCESS_SUBSTANCE_ID Allows viewing, searching and exporting substance IDs of compounds. For users without this permission, the original virtual identifiers are used.
    READ_INTERNAL_COMMENTS Allows viewing internal comments on content otherwise accessible to the user
    WRITE_INTERNAL_COMMENTS Allow making, editing and deleting internal comments on content otherwise accessible to the user
    READ_PUBLIC_COMMENTS Allows viewing public comments on content otherwise accessible to the user
    WRITE_PUBLIC_COMMENTS Allow making, editing and deleting public comments on content otherwise accessible to the user
    ACCESS_INTERNAL_FILE_ATTACHMENT Allows listing, downloading and upload internal and public file attachments on projects, as part of using realtime plugins, or on content otherwise accessible to the user
    ACCESS_FILE_ATTACHMENT Allows listing, downloading and upload public file attachments on projects, as part of using realtime plugins, or on content otherwise accessible to the user
    READ_DESCRIPTION Allows viewing description on content
    WRITE_DESCRIPTION Allows editing description on content
    ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_1 Allows reading and changing values of compound fields in group 1
    ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_2 Allows reading and changing values of compound fields in group 2
    ACCESS_COMPOUND_FIELDS_GROUP_3 Allows reading and changing values of compound fields in group 3
    DOMAIN_ADMIN Allows accessing the Design Hub admin area related to the current domain
    MODIFY_STRUCTURE Allows changing shared compounds on compounds where write permissions are otherwise available (see other READ/WRITE permissions above)
    CREATE_PROGRESS_REPORT Allows accessing the downloadable report of the Kanban board where contents are further filtered based on read permissions

    Structure search advanced configuration

    Design Hub is using JChem Microservices DB for indexing and searching chemical structures.

    By default, the initial structure search maximum hit count is limited (limitStructureSearch) for performance reasons. In case this limit is reached Design Hub tries to refine the search by limiting the results to a subset of the whole dataset (limitFilterToIds) and running the search on the subset again still with a maximum hit count (limitFilteredStructureSearch).

    The following settings are available for fine-tuning performance and correctness:

    parameter name default value description available for
    limitStructureSearch 10000 maximum hit count of the 1st search all search types
    limitFilterToIds 100000 maximum number of ids provided for the refined search substructure only
    limitFilteredStructureSearch 10000 maximum hit count of the refined search substructure only
    structureSearchCacheTTLSeconds 30 How long the results are cached for a specific search all search types
    structureSearchCacheMaxSize 1000 How many different search results can be kept in cache all search types