About Updating Instant JChem


    To ensure you have access to the latest features and fixes, it's recommended to keep your Instant JChem desktop version up to date. To upgrade to a newer version, download it from the Chemaxon website and replace your current version. To open existing projects and schemas in the new IJC version, you'll need to update them accordingly. Detailed instructions on IJC installation and updating IJC projects can be found here.

    Using Java Web Start

    Instant JChem is also runnable using Java Web Start. Click here if you want to do this.

    Using Java Web Start avoids the need to use the Instant JChem installer to obtain updates. With Java Web Start the updated version is detected and loaded immediately. This provides an easier approach to running Instant JChem, but is slightly less flexible.

    Organisations can also deploy the Java Web Start version to their own server, which can have major administrative benefits. For documentation on this click here.