Design Hub developer guide - real time plugin templates


    Before digging deeper into the available options, you should be familiar with the basics of the current templating framework: AngularJS. If you feel the need for a refresher, please review the tutorial and pay special attention to interpolation (double curly braces), ng-src attribute of an img, ng-hrefattribute of a link, and the ng-repeat, and ng-if constructs.

    These templating constructs will be used to render the contents from your plugin's results. Remember, results are available to the template in scope variable called client.



      <p>logD: {{[0].logD.logD}}</p>
      <p># of Ar: {{[0].topologyAnalysis.ring.aromaticRingCount}}</p>
      <p>SFI: {{[0].logD.logD +[0].topologyAnalysis.ring.aromaticRingCount | number:2 }}</p>

    Adding style

    Once the content is rendered, you can change its style using plain old CSS definitions in a <style></style> tag. To make sure the rules are specific to this template only, you can add classes as needed.



    .my-results p {
      margin-bottom: 9px;
    <div class="my-results">
      <p>logD: {{[0].logD.logD}}</p>
      <p># of Ar: {{[0].topologyAnalysis.ring.aromaticRingCount}}</p>
      <p>SFI: {{[0].logD.logD +[0].topologyAnalysis.ring.aromaticRingCount | number:2 }}</p>

    Design Hub specific components

    Besides the basics, several components were developed to support the typical visualizations used by chemists. Below you can find examples and options for each.


    Compares 2 numbers and displays an arrow pointing upwards or downwards as appropriate. You can use variables, expressions or fixed values as well to compare.


    <diff new="client.logP.newValue" base="client.logP.baseValue"></diff>


    Parameter Type Description
    new number or expression Number to compare.
    base number or expression Number to compare against.


    Compares 2 numbers and displays an 15x10 pixel blue upwards arrow if new is larger. You can use variables, expressions or fixed values as well to compare.


    larger arrow


    <larger new="client.logP.newValue" base="client.logP.baseValue"></larger>


    Parameter Type Description
    new number or expression Number to compare.
    base number or expression Number to compare against.


    Compares 2 numbers and displays a 15x10 pixel blue downwards arrow if new is smaller. You can use variables, expressions or fixed values as well to compare.


    smaller arrow


    <smaller new="client.logP.newValue" base="client.logP.baseValue"></smaller>


    Parameter Type Description
    new number or expression Number to compare.
    base number or expression Number to compare against.


    Provides pagination, i.e. Previous and Next buttons to cycle through longer lists.


    prev next buttons


    <pager ng-model="page" total="client.molecules.length" items-per-page="2" label="page"></pager>


    Parameter Type Description
    ng-model scope variable Assignable variable for the current page number. Will be initialized to 1 and as the user navigates through the pages, it will be automatically updated to the current visible page number (i.e. this is not a 0 indexed page number).
    total number Total number of items (i.e. not pages) in the list. This is used to calculate the number of pages available.
    items-per-page number Defines the number of items on a page, used while calculating the total number of pages available.
    Default: 4
    label string Defines the name of discrete pages on the UI. This is used to override the word "page" to something more appropriate for a given problem, e.g. set or molecules.
    Default: page


    Adds right click menu to an HTML element, with options that interact with the chemical editor.


    structure context menu


    <img ng-src="{{item.base64image}}" structure="item.molSource" structure-data="{ID:}" structure-menu-options="copy, load, paste, pin, snapshot"/>


    Parameter Type Description
    structure String Plain text source of the chemical structure in any file format supported by Marvin JS.
    structure-data Object Additional data to attach to the molecule when saving a Snapshot in label-value format.
    structure-menu-options String Selectively enable or disable options from the right click menu. Available options: copy, load, paste, pin, snapshot.
    Default: display all available options.


    Adds a left click action to an HTML element, similar to the above listed structure directive, with options that interact with the chemical editor.


    <button use-structure="'load'" structure="item.molSource">Load</button>


    Parameter Type Description
    use-structure String Action to perform when clicking on the element. Available options: copy, load, paste, pin, snapshot
    structure String Plain text source of the chemical structure in any file format supported by Marvin JS.


    Creates a WebGL viewer for PDB and SD files with typical visualizations and builtin options using the NGL library. <threedee-ngl> is a wrapper element while the <protein-ngl> and <ligand-ngl> elements below are used to define chemical content.


      <protein-ngl name="client.pdbCode" pdb="client.pdbFile"></protein-ngl>
      <ligand-ngl name="'Idea'" molecule="client.aligned" color="'cyan'"></ligand>
      <ligand-ngl name="client.ligandCode" molecule="client.reference" color="'orange'" zoom-on-change="true"></ligand>




    Configures and loads a PDB formatted biomolecule into the threedee-ngl viewer. Must be used within a <threedee-ngl> component.


      <protein-ngl name="client.pdbCode" pdb="client.pdbFile" visible-components="['Cartoon']"></protein-ngl>
      <ligand-ngl name="'Idea'" molecule="client.aligned" color="'cyan'"></ligand-ngl>
      <ligand-ngl name="client.ligandCode" molecule="client.reference" color="'orange'" zoom-on-change="true"></ligand-ngl>


    Parameter Type Description
    pdb string Plain text source of the protein in PDB format.
    name string Human friendly label for the protein. If none provided, a sequential ID is generated.
    visible-components array of strings List of components to render by default. Valid options are: Cartoon, Surface, Pocket, Contact, Key residues, Additives, Lipids, Sugar, Ions, Water.
    Default: "Pocket", "Contact", "Key residues", "Water"


    Configures and loads an SDF formatted small molecule into the threedee-ngl viewer. Must be used within a <threedee-ngl> component.


      <ligand-ngl ng-repeat="item in client.molecules" molecule="item.mol" name="item.label" color="item.color" zoom-on-change="$index === 0"></ligand>


    Parameter Type Description
    molecule string Plain text source of the structure in SDF/MOLV2000 format.
    name string Human friendly label for this structure. If none provided, a sequential ID will be generated.
    color string CSS style color code for the carbon atoms, used to highlight this structure.
    Default: grey.
    zoom-on-change boolean Toggle whether the scene should zoom to this structure when it's initialized or when this structure changes.
    Default: false.
    visible boolean Toggle for the default visibility of this structure as the scene is initialized.
    Default: true
    calculate-contact boolean Marks this structure for non-covalent interaction (i.e. contact) calculation, and the geometric center of this structure will be used to set up the binding site / key residues related automatic clipping.
    Default: false. If multiple ligands are marked with true, the last in the DOM will have effect.