Marvin Desktop Suite
The Marvin Desktop Suite consists of the following three applications:
MarvinSketch is an advanced chemical editor for drawing chemical structures, queries, and reactions.
It has a rich (and growing) list of editing features, is chemically aware, and can call Chemaxon's structure-based calculation plugins for structures on the canvas.
Rich Editing
- Easily accessible chemical drawing functions, a lot of shortcuts
- Convenient editing in 2D and 3D
- 2D and 3D cleaning of the structures
- Pre-defined structure templates and user-defined custom templates
- Abbreviated groups
- Chemical name (IUPAC or traditional), CAS Registry Numbers® or InChi / RInChI can be pasted onto the canvas and get converted into chemical structures directly.
- Wide range of file types supported: MRV, CDX, SKC, SDF, RDF (V2000/V3000), RXN, MOL, MOL2, SMILES, SMARTS, InChI/RInChI, CML, FASTA, and so on
- Copy and paste between different chemical editors; drag&drop feature
- Inserting editable chemical structures (as Marvin OLE objects) into MS Office documents
- Advanced query features
- Handling polymers and biomolecules
- User-definable customizable styles (fonts, colors, structure representations, and so on)
- Drawing and formatting shapes, arrows and text boxes
- Multipage documents and printing support
Chemically Aware
- Isotopes, charges, radicals, lone pairs, and aliases
- Error checking (valence error and structure checking)
- Advanced stereochemical functions
- Structure-based Calculator Plugins - for calculations of different chemical properties - can be called directly from MarvinSketch
- Structure query design (R-logic, SMARTS properties, and so on)
- Manual and automatic mapping for reaction drawing
Cross-platform Delivery
- Marvin can run on all major operating systems
- The .NET package makes it available to integrate MarvinSketch into .NET applications
MarvinView is an advanced chemical viewer for single and multiple chemical structures, queries, and reactions.
It has a rich (and growing) list of visualization features, is chemically aware, and can call Chemaxon's structure-based calculation plugins for loaded structures.
Rich Viewing
- Wide range of file types supported: MOL, MOL2, SDF, RXN, RDF (V2000 / V3000), SMILES, SMARTS/SMIRKS (recursive), MRV, InChi, CML, PDB, and so on
- Copy and paste between different viewers/editors
- Table, spreadsheet, and single-molecule views
- 2D/3D representation and animation
- Export option in graphic formats (JPG, PNG, BMP, POV, SVG, EPS, PDF, EMF)
- Non-chemical data, such as SDF fields can be displayed
- User and developer definable visualization styles (colors, structure representations, and so on)
Chemically Aware
- Structure-based calculations can be called directly from MarvinView. For a complete listing of functions please see the Calculator Plugins section
- Advanced stereochemistry functions (E/Z for double bonds, R/S for chiral atoms, ABS/OR/AND enhanced stereo labels, and so on)
- 2D cleaning
- 3D conformer generation
- Isotopes, charges radicals, lone pairs, and aliases are supported
Cross-platform Delivery
Marvin can run on all major operating systems and is available in the following distributions:
- Java Applets can easily be implemented into Java-enabled web pages without the need for the user to install software or plugins
- Java Beans can be directly installed to give standalone desktop applications and can also be used to integrate Marvin into Java-based applications
- Java Web Start enables web delivery of end-user applications
- The .NET package makes it possible to integrate Marvin into .NET applications.
Molconvert is a command line program in Marvin Desktop Suite that enables the conversion between various file types.