To download the Excel File Converter Tool, click here.
Watch this video to convert from legacy and other Excel formats to JChem for Excel in batch mode.
Requires the following components:
Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1
Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office
for Insight for Excel conversion
If the DotNetPPChemSDK_GAC.dll
is not available on the computer on which the conversion will be running an error is thrown.
The Setup Wizard helps you to install the application in a few steps.
Specify if you would like to create shortcuts in the Desktop and the Start Menu Programs folder.
Select the installation folder, the default path is as follows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Chemaxon\JChemExcelFileConverter <version number>\
Click Install.
After installation (according to the selected option during installation), the application can be started from the Start menu or by clicking the icon on the desktop.
Click on the Browse file(s) manually... button and select the ISIS, ChemDraw, Accord, Insight for Excel files or simple Microsoft Excel files containing OLE objects to be converted. The conversion is supported for .xls, .xlsx formats, but not for .xlm/.xlsm files.
{primary} For the conversion of OLE objects in Excel files with .xls file formats an activated version of Microsoft Office should be installed, for .xlsx files this is not required, the conversion can be done without Microsoft Office as well.
Use the radio buttons to specify the conversion method. The following buttons are available:
ISIS/Symyx: Converts ISIS/Symyx workbooks to JChem for Excel workbooks.
Insight: Converts Insight for Excel workbooks to JChem for Excel workbooks. Requires the DotNetPPChemSDK_GAC.dll.
ChemDraw: Converts ChemDraw workbooks to JChem for Excel workbooks.
Accord: Converts Accord for Excel workbooks to JChem for Excel workbooks.
OLE: Converts Microsoft Excel workbooks containing chemical structures in OLE formats to JChem for Excel workbooks.
Repair JCXL: Fixes incorrect hash codes corresponding to the structures in JChem for Excel files. These files could be created because of an Instant JChem bug, which happened when copying structures together with data from IJC (the functionality is described here).
Recognize: Recognizes types of selected workbooks and converts them to JChem for Excel workbooks. You can use this method to convert multiple workbooks with different types. If the originally selected conversion method fails for some reason, the other types will be checked as well. So, it is not necessary to specify the conversion method, but time can be saved if the other formats should not be checked.
Clicking the Select output directory... button to specify the location of the result file.
To start the process, press Convert.
The result JChem for Excel file can be found in the previously specified directory. The file will have the same name as the original one, but a _JC4XL
tag will be attached at the end.
The functions of the converter tool are available as actions as well, see File Format Conversion.